Rod Jr

For You, My Love, I Sing The Blues

Rod Jr

I fail on every little point I say and do
I'll admit that I could be much better too
Relaying feelings into tunes
Printing maps with all the glues
For you, my love, I sing the blues

Inspite the anger moments
Filled with roaring laughter
You aimed an egg on me
And hitted me with a rock
Please take this cocktiel bird
I taught him all my words
For when I'm not around
He'll sing the blues

It will tell you of a world romantic
Like byclicles and puzzle motor-unique
It may say bad words too
My thoughts on catapult
For you, my love, I sing the blues

It is ecchoing in your head while you are cooking
It is written in the soup, all the letters
Don't ever stop a movement, the force is the movement
You dance, my love, I sing the blues

We dreamt of a world romantic
Pirate burger every single week
But we were made of fools
When we were felt on blues
Cocktiel bird stole the jewels

Cocktiel bird was tief