Slip my arms so the pillow holds shape Slip out the window and slip down the fire escape Make a clean getaway I'll leave no trace Brought the letters on the road with me In the middle of plainclothes and piracy When everyone wants you That's the loneliest place to be I fall asleep to the rhythm of you Breathing in my ear Are you hearing what I'm saying Or tonight am I just baying with the wolves Make a pact so we'll both get there But it never holds up cause we can't get out of Delaware So far away from this home town affair You like to paint me as your little lost one But i, I get the feeling I'm never going to make it to Boston So I must do different than what I must have done And I fall asleep to the rhythm of you Breathing in my ear Are you hearing what I'm saying Or tonight am I just baying with the wolves Telephone call says they're backing me up Thirsty for the pitcher drinking from a paper cup Building the oblivious from nothing more than luck They opened up a place for me They're closing off another window of opportunity I had forgotten I'd do this all for free And I fall asleep to the rhythm of you Breathing in my ear Are you hearing what I'm saying Or tonight am I just baying with the wolves