Rockman Holic

We're The Robots

Rockman Holic

Kurayami kirisai te hashiru high beam todoke
Tashika na awai sign koko ni iru yo to sore wa…
(Like a dance on the assembly line)
Azukae te morau order uzuku shikō kairo
Samayou rasen kaidan doko ni iru no to

Doko ma demo dareka no tame?
Kono yakuwari wo oe tara
Soredake ja nani no tame
Bokura wa doko he ikou?

We are the robots nozomareta
(Return again to the way we were)
Tell me what you want suki na dake
(Return again to break the order)
We are the robots na no ni naze?
(Return again to the way we were)
Out of control itai no wa
(Return again to break the order)

Kotoba o kirikae te tsuzuku update kyō wa
Tashika ni okuru sign koko ni iru yo to sore wa?
(Like a dance on the assembly line)
Shizuka ni konasu order meguru shikō kairo
Naridasu beep call doko ni iru no to
Nanimokamo dare ka no tame?
'Sayonara o tsugeru tame ni'
Soredake ja nani no tame?
'Bokura wa umare ta no ka?'

We are the robots wakatte I ta
(Return again to the way we were)
Tell me what you want hazu na noni
(Return again to break the order)
We are the robots na noni naze?
(Return again to the way we were)
Out of control itai no wa
(Return again to break the order)

Doko made mo dare ka no tame?
'Kono yakuwari o oe te mo'
Soredake ja nani no tame?
'Bokura wa iki te I tai'
We are the robots nozomare ta
(Return again to the way we were)
Tell me what you want suki na dake
(Return again to break the order)
We are the robots na noni naze?
(Return again to the way we were)
Out of control itai no wa
(Return again to break the order)