Holy Moses, I have been removed I have seen the spectre, he has been here too Distant cousin from down the line Brand of people who ain't my kind Holy Moses, I have been removed Holy Moses, I have been deceived Now the wind has changed direction, and I'll have to leave Won't you please excuse my frankness But it's not my cup of tea Holy Moses, I have been deceived I'm goin' back to the border Where my affairs, my affairs ain't abused I can't take any more bad water Been poisoned from my head down to my shoes, oh Holy Moses, I have been deceived Holy Moses, let us live in peace Let us strive to find a way to make all hatred cease There's a man over there What's his color? I don't care He's my brother, let us live in peace, oh He's my brother, let us live in peace, oh He's my brother, let us, let us live in peace