I'm not sayin' that just the thought of You makes my walk a skip, And I'm not sayin' that my heartbeat's Any more than just a radar blip. Oh well I'm not sayin' that I'm not affected By your feminine such'n'such, I'm sayin' that I like you... I like you very much I like you, I like you very much... yes I do... Well I'm a feeble-minded droolin' brute With a'nuthin' much on top, When you smile at me you yank The stick a'right from my lollipop, Well I'm not sayin' that the things I'm thinkin' wouldn't make a virgin blush, I'm sayin' that I like you... I like you very much I like you, I like you very much... yes I do... Aw y'know that I do Wanna cannibalize your missionary baby, Wanna shoot out your lights With my favorite gun Like skeet, wanna kiss your feet, A'likin' you's gonna be such fun... Well I don't mean to be so in your face, I don't mean to be indiscreet, But if my temperature gets any higher I might drop dead at your feet, Oh I got no stamps no phone no fax machine But I'd love to stay in touch, I'm sayin' that I like you... I like you very much I like, like you very much