Regina: Mayor, we don't really know the first thing about these people, or even what they want to build! Hertz: Say you don't know me, Or recognize my face Say you don't care who goes To that kind of place Regina: Knee deep in the hoopla Sinking in your fight Hertz; Too many runaways Hertz & franz: Eating up the night! Hertz: Marconi plays the mamba Regina: Listen to the radio! Don't you remember? We built this city We built this city on… Mayor: Clean, efficient living? Hertz: Exactly! Regina; But mayor, think about the businesses already there! what about them!? Dennis: They're calling it "economic redevelopment." Apparently "the bourbon" no longer generates an "adequate tax revenue." Lonny: That's why i keep telling ya we need to bring back "naked jello wrestling thursdays!" But this time, check it, we let women enter. Dennis: Maybe it's time to cash it in anyway-- Drew: Whoa, dennis?! what are you saying?! Dennis: It's just-- I'm sittin' on this barstool Talkin' like a damn fool! Got the twelve o'clock news blues And i've given up hope For the afternoon soaps… And a bottle of cold brew Is it any wonder i'm not crazy? Lonny: So chew a couple prozac! come on, dennis! Dennis: Is it any wonder i'm sane at all? Drew: You do wash your hands a lot. Lonny/ dennis/ drew/ hertz/ mayor/ franz/ regina Is it any wonder i've got too much (clap) time on my hands Dennis: And it's tickin' away… Lonny: Tickin' away from me! So you sell, but what do i do?! "the bourbon" is my life, man! Dennis: Hold the phone! you guys see who's in today's paper?! Drew; Monster rockers, "arsenal," are breaking up. According to sources, lead singer, stacee jaxx, Will leave the band after this tour to pursue a solo career-- Dennis: Perfect right? lonny who gave stacee and arsenal their start? Lonny: We did so? Dennis: So? what if we hosted their last gig…ever. Lonny: The last arsenal show here?! Dennis: Tell that wouldn't generate an adequate tax revenue. Plus, stacee still owes me from that hotel incident with the cool whip and the baby llama. Lonny: Love it. Dennis: I just hope it's enough. Lonny: It's gotta be i mean the mayor isn't a total money grubbing whore. wink. Regina: Mayor, you're not thinking clearly. Hertz: Mayor, take ze money unt… Hertz/ ensemble: Rid this city! Regina: No! Mayor/ hertz/ franz/ ensemble Rid this city of rock and roll! Regina: Not this city Mayor: Regina, you're fired. Mayor/ hertz/ franz/ ensemble: We'll rid this city of rock and roll!! Regina: You're not gonna get away with this! Lonny: I can't believe you still have his number. Dennis: Stacee? it's denbo. Stacee jaxx: Who? Dennis: Dennis, dennis dupree. listen, How would you like to do your "arsenal" farewell show here at "the bourbon?" Stacee jaxx: Yeah, well we already got something planned for our last tour gig in portland. so ah… Dennis: I understand that. but just imagine for a second your last gig in a place that started it all. A lot of press on something like that. Stacee jaxx: Yeah it sounds cool but ah… Dennis: And of course, we'd put your name above the band. stacee jaxx and arsenal. One night only. right before a solo album…which, just between you and me, i'm so Glad you're doing. you know what i always used to say about you. Stacee jaxx: What? Dennis: Well, you're a jet fuel genius You can solve the world's problems Without even tryin' Stacee jaxx: It's true. I have dozens of friends And the fun never ends That is, as long as i'm buyin' Is it any wonder i'm not the president? Dennis: I'd vote for you, stacee. Stacee jaxx: Is it any wonder i'm null and void? Dennis: I don't even know what that means. Stacee/ dennis/ lonny/ drew/ franz/ hertz/ ensemble: Is it any wonder i've got too much (clap) time on my hands Dennis: And it's tickin' away Lonny/ dennis/ drew: Tickin' away from me!! Stacee/ dennis/ lonny/ drew/ franz/ hertz/ ensemble: Too much time on my hands! Dennis: Tick, tick, tickin' away!! Stacee/ dennis/ lonny/ drew/ groupies/ franz/ hertz/ mayor: Too much time on my hands Stacee jaxx: I don't know what to do Stacee/ dennis/ lonny/ drew/ groupies: Too much time on my hands Hertz/ mayor/ franz: We will rid this city! Ensemble: Too much time on my hands Regina/ hertz/ mayor/ franz: Of rock and roll!! Lonny/ drew/ franz/ hertz/ mayor/ regina/ dennis/ groupies: Too much time on my hands Too much time on my hands Too much time-- Hertz: Shall i call zee bulldozers? Dennis: Remember the night you @*#!* with the baby llama? Stacee jaxx/ mayor: I'll do it.