Robi Draco Rosa

Father Mother

Robi Draco Rosa

Father Jumbled 
recognize the meaning of acceptance 
believes in methods of the wrong kind 
listen to love and that will bring you all kinds 
of beatiful emotions 
grasp the sun, father jumbled 
I don`t know when you`ll 
read my letter 
grasp the sun, my mother jumbled 
how many more revolutions 
around the sun 
will mother feel this way? 
there is a time when all path 
lead to one 
choosing the flowers of faith in the fields of love 
lovely special 
like the one I have in a different way released 
she whises 
to be in a simple word of understanding 
and love love 
she`s living in a 
world of 
why do I feel this way, why? 
there`s a time when all the paths 
lead to one 
ask and the day will come 
choosing the flowers of faith in 
the fields of love 
grasp the sun , father jumbled 
I don`t know when 
you`ll read my letter 
grasp the sun , my mother jumbled 
how many more 
revolutions around 
the sun will mother feel this way? 
there`s atime when 
all the paths lead to one 
ask and the day will come 
choosing the flowers 
of faith in the fields of love 
choosing the fields of love