Robert Wyatt


Robert Wyatt

Not nit.
Not nit.
No, not nit. nit.
Folly bololey.
Alife my larder.
Alife my larder.

I can't forsake you
Or forsqueak you.
Alife my larder.
Alife my larder.

Or make you late you, you.
Alife my larder,
Alife my larder.

No nit not.
No nit not.
Nit nit folly bololey.

Burlybunch the water mole
Hellyplop and fingerhole
Not a wossit, bundy, see?
For jangle and bojangle.
Trip trip pip pip pip pip pip pip landerim.

Alife my larder.
Alife my larder.

(i'm not your larder,
Jammy jars and mustard.
I'm not your dinner,
You soppy old custard.
And what's a bololey
When it's a folly?
I'm not your larder,
I'm your dear little dolly.
But when plops get too helly
I'll fill up your belly.
I'm not your larder,
I'm alife your guarder.)