The wise men said that the world was flat And everybody just went along Till a dreamer proved them wrong So come with me, my darling To a place no one has been Don't be afraid 'cause history is made When fools rush in Let's invent a new romance (The book of love is worn out) Invent a new romance Let's change the rules Invent a new romance (All the pages torn out) Invent a new romance It's our only chance To break this chain of fools A new Moon is rising It illuminates the dream With a light so clear and clean Let's invent a new romance (The book of love is worn out) Invent a new romance Let's change the rules Invent a new romance (All the pages torn out) Invent a new romance It's our only chance To break this chain of fools If there's just one boy (If there's just one boy) And there's just one girl (And there's just one girl) We can start a brand new world Let us pray for one another In the undiscovered tongue Let's sing the song unsung Hey, it's the question with no answer Hey, it's the love that has no name And if we go down Let's go down In wings of flame Let's invent a new romance (The book of love is worn out) Invent a new romance Let's change the rules Invent a new romance (All the pages torn out) Invent a new romance It's our only chance To break this chain of fools To break this chain of fools To break this chain of fools If there's just one boy And there's just one girl We can start a brand new world Let's invent a new romance