Rob Gardner

Here In My Arms

Rob Gardner

Here in my arms,
Robed in the moonlight,
Promise of old,
Newborn Salvation,
What shall I give?
What can I offer?
Only a stable to keep you warm.

Here in my arms,
Crowned with the starlight,
Son of a King, God of our Fathers,
What shall I give?
What can I offer?
Only a manger to rest your head.

And when you cry what shall I give you?
For I have naught to calm your fears.
Oh there is little I can offer,
But just my heart and my own tears.

Oh there is little I can offer,
But all I have is what I’ll give.

Here in my arms,
Hailed by the morning,
Baby divine,
My own Salvation,
What shall I give?
What can I offer?
Only a mother to raise you up and hold you in my arms!
What can I offer?
Only a mother to love you.