Look motherfucker all I got is halfassed sounding good lucks and goodbyes. So shit motherfucker I'd bet poor man's dollars to a rich man's motherfucking dimes that there won't be too much in the way of teary eyes and I won't expect to miss you at all if you're finally leaving here tonight. Will you go quietly or will it be with kicks and screams to the prisons and the factories? It's the shit end of an asshole's dream and all the lies that you believe are just a leap of blind stupidity I'm goddamn sorry that I can't paint you a prettier picture than that. I don't know, maybe you can make it work fitting in downtown with the suit and tie jerks, all dressed up like a funeral, Christ knows that their coffins will be beautiful. So put on your asskissing shoes and move cause it's all just waiting there for you. Will you go quietly or will it be with kicks and screams to the office jobs and families? It's the shit end of an asshole's dream and all the lies that you believe are just a leap of blind stupidity Now you've made living jokes of what were never stupid hopes and you'd call this a waste of time I know. You're too afraid to lose to be of any use so go and drink and fuck like suicide just hoping it'll work this time. Will you go quietly or will it be with kicks and screams to a life spent mostly on your knees? It's the shit end of an asshole's dream and all the lies that you believe are just a leap of blind stupidity Fucking hell now don't it seem like we're just keeping barstools warm? Have we just become all kinds of whores? It's the boring side of tragedy that I can't stand what you believe so here's to old friends and new enemies.