River Valley Worship

Now More Than Ever

River Valley Worship

Whose voice was the origin
Breath and life within the sound
You looked upon the world you made
Still your plan called for one name

We're singing Jesus
Forever we sing Jesus
Always only Jesus

Whose blood was the covenant
Son of God and son of man
Your tears ran down gethsemane
Still your plan called for a crown

We're singing Jesus
Forever we sing Jesus
Always only Jesus

We're singing Jesus
Louder we sing Jesus
Higher we sing Jesus

Oh church arise now more than ever
Our God alive now more than ever
His word remains now more than ever
The gospel true now more than ever
His heart for you now more than ever
His mercies new now more than ever
His presence real now more than ever
His hands will heal now more than ever
His spirit here now more than ever

We're singing Jesus
Forever we sing Jesus
Always only Jesus

We're singing Jesus
Louder we sing Jesus
Higher we sing Jesus

We're singing Jesus
Forever we sing Jesus
Always only Jesus
