Open the first door, The first door of democracy, And you will find blood and tears, Hail and pain, For all is a lie! Open the second door, The door of religion, And you will find cries of despair, No god is there, For all is a lie! All the doors hide secrets, All of them are sealed, If you dare to break them down, A bitter truth's revealed! Open the third door, The door of peace, You will find the law of the gun, No place to run, For all is a lie! Open the fourth door, The door of love, And you will find the reign of envy, Hearts death craving, For all is a lie! All the doors hide secrets, All of them are sealed, If you dare to break them down, A bitter truth's revealed! All the things you took for granted, Are the ones you're scared to face, Twisted is reality, Kingdom of insanity, Nothing but silly words, Lies to comfort your fear! All the doors hide secrets, All of them are sealed, If you dare to break them down, A bitter truth's revealed!