I lurk between the garbage of the world without a goal In rare times of lucidity i still know i am a man My life is just existence in an ocean of desolation But i remember i were happy somewhere in the past I was my fucking ruin I was my fucking ruin I remember all the love from my family I remember my projects for the future, my ambitions But things don't always go the way that you expect Drugs and alcohol can morph you in the pale ghost of yourself I was my fucking ruin I was my fucking ruin ... And a young boy was found dead by hanging by the police this night in his flat. All he left is a short suicide note on the table, which will be kept secret by the inquirers until all the details will get clear. I was my fucking ruin I was my fucking ruin As time went by the dawn was falling on me Revealing a night without an end, a night without a light So now I lurk between the garbage of this hostile world Until i put the word end to the story of my life I was my fucking ruin You were my fucking ruin My ruin