Child of the night, alive but dead Untouchable entity, invisible to man Unable to touch, unable to feel Unable to satisfy my appetite and thirst I'm tired to wonder around Tired of making no sound Dont wanna live this life no more I'd rather die than being a - Ghost Cursed by the gods for eternity - Ghost Silent watcher of the other's lives - Ghost Even the relief of death is denied - Ghost Trapped in this body since so many time Don't even remember the warmth of the sun The pleasure of food is to me so unreal Loneliness cold the only things that i feel Ghost - Untouchable entity, invisible to man Ghost - Child of the night, forgotten by the world Trapped in this body since so many time Don't even remember the warmth of the sun I think of my future with anguish and fear What is my utility, what i'm doing here Ghost - Cursed by the gods for eternity Ghost - Even the relief of death is denied