Why couldn't you be honest? Why couldn't you be straight? Why couldn't you just speak the truth? The truth and nothing else No i think i know your kind I think i've met you before You'll never be satisfied You always wanna get more You turn your sails to the wind It's a sin to see it, it's a sin To see you turn your sails to the wind You always try to get around things Twisting like a snake Just to rise a step or two You'll do anything it takes 'cause you wanna reach the top, You wanna grow real strong And i know what smell it is That keeps you carrying me You think you're hard as stone You think i'm too blind to see Through all those dirty tricks That you try to play on me But i'm not afraid of you I've learnt my lesson well Try to walk over me again And i'll send you down to hell I'm gonna crack your ugly shell If you try to fool me again 'cause i'm not afraid of you And i can tell how you turn those sails It's a sin to see it, it's a sin, To see you turn your sails to the wind