Ripe (Dinamarca)

Pain In Our Modern World

Ripe (Dinamarca)

It's not fair!
It's not fair!
A meaning that has such wide definition
And is so widely misunderstood
In our modern world, it's disgustingly painful in its example

I was injured when I came home from battle today
Everything seemed to fade away, fail on large scale
My family will suffer
And I will be the one, the only one to blame
And all I did was come late to work for the third time

I fought for my life today
Watching telly and then when the film started my thoughts all came alive
Diving into myself
Constantly fighting instinct behaviour to our modern world of life that is

It just came to me the life that is
Living in a cloud of misunderstanding are we, life that is
Mountains of luck spilling and drowning, oh you know what I mean

Life to live, yeah
Is it?
All right then