Ripe (Dinamarca)

Razorblade Kiss

Ripe (Dinamarca)

Cornpone woman with her sugar lips
Drive a stake through your heart with her hips
Make you beg for more and pray for release
A happy volunteer with this crazy disease
She's illegal honey - forbidden fruit

Razorblade kiss
Something you're gonna miss
A bloody smile in which you reconcile
Razorblade kiss
Something you're gonna miss
A 100 miles for the devil's child

You're a prisoner, a casualty
A car crash junkie with addicted lunacy
With sweaty palms and grinding teeth
A friendly fool with a freak underneath
But you're the damned, hated and cursed

Razorblade kiss
Something you're gonna miss
A bloody smile in which you reconcile
Razorblade kiss
Something you're gonna miss
A 100 miles for the devil's child

Razorblade kiss
Something you're gonna miss
A bloody smile in which you reconcile
Razorblade kiss
Something you're gonna miss
A 100 miles for the devil's child