I bet she's got them windows rolled down Tom Petty's on, she's singin' along Bet she's all tanned up from that summer sun And she might be dancin' to a long haired cover band on the coast But if I know her she ain't dancin' alone She's probably in love by now, a girl like that don't stay lonely long And I bet she's already found somebody else and he ain't doin' her wrong Wouldn't do no good even if I could somehow track her down She's probably in love by now Bet she's prettyin' up some old boy's shotgun seat, toe nails painted pink Bet those Ray-Bans are holdin' that blonde hair back I bet he's holdin' her close at night and she ain't losin' any sleep If I know her she sure ain't thinkin' 'bout me She's probably in love by now, a girl like that don't stay lonely long And I bet she's already found somebody else and he ain't doin' her wrong Wouldn't do no good even if I could somehow track her down She's probably in love by now Yeah, she's probably in love Wherever she is out there tonight I bet her heart ain't hurting like mine She's probably in love by now Yeah, she's probably in love by now She's probably in love by now, a girl like that don't stay lonely long And I bet she's already found somebody else and he ain't doin' her wrong Wouldn't do no good even if I could somehow track her down She's probably in love by now Yeah, she's probably in love She's probably in love by now