Ridwaan Gabru

Tell Me A Lie

Ridwaan Gabru

Known you all my life
At least that's how it seems.
Never known you'd run away
Leaving all our dreams.
Now i know you leaving me and i'll never understand...
Before i let you walk away
I have one last demand.
Tell me a lie, and say that you won't go.
Look in my eyes and hold me even though.
I realise you have to walk away.
No more yesterday.

You always were my angel
Flying high above.
Always looking out for me
Angel that i love.
Now my dreams are fading like age- old photographs.
It hurts too much to look at now, coz it reminds me of our past
Tell me a lie, and say that you won't go.
Look in my eyes and hold me even though.
I realise you have to walk away.
No more yesterday.
