spoken Hello, hello, this is Monkeywrench, come in, Calling Money Hutch headquarters. Tell Smoky Grayhead the bus stopper is a guy. Tell Mister Magden to check on the chocolate (shotput?). And I thought this was a glamorous job. Well, there's that man who's got everything that he needs And when the world is falling in he'll never bleed He goes by Jones in Istanbul and Smith in Peru His job's never through It's time to start this little game of cat and mouse And try to keep one step aheadÃ,Â-Ã,Â-there's strangers in the house His watch is really a radio, his gun a pen He knows that it's all gone, no mom, nobody wins Chorus: Spy world x16 spoken Shaken, not stirred, okay? I'm really tired of wearing these sunglasses.