Now when the city was in flame you were on the phone Sellin' fire hoses at a premium loan Yeah the bankers all smile but when you pass they frown You're just a little too smart for a big dumb town Now we seen you drivin' down the boulevard You throw that trash but not in your backyard But like newton and the apple what goes up comes down You're still a little too smart for a big dumb town We'll all applaud when you break on through "he's a genius, boys, but then we always knew..." Yeah, lofty possibilities, you never had a doubt We'd all scream from the bleachers when you'd always strike out But now you're way out in front and you look glory bound You're just a little too smart for a big dumb town Now when the world is over, clocks run outta wind Somebody will scrape through the ruins and find A little picture of you and in a file they found Sayin' just a little too smart for a big dumb town Now you speak so soft but in your heart you're cold In a tower of glass you've got a mountain of gold Yeah you talk real sharp but we'll soon cut you down You're still a little too smart for a big dumb town