days come and go so fast like runaway,I can't change day by day so I'm stay but when I think of you and sick of you,all changed from day of you gone away front hair was wet that feel like a wall today's rain too cold to flush out my tears so open mt eyes, no way to forget about you and I have to go If I coud find you now what can I do anything I don't want many things but pleace smile one more time walk around avenue,shoulder one's way through the crowd I can't find your face but may be right for me shiramu sora asahi wa mada mieinai bishonure no maegami kara nozoku sora irotzuita fuukei tada soko ni kimi no suki na ame ga yamanai konna yoru wa soba ni itane boku wa sugita hibi ni wakare wo tsugete arukou ima wa hitori single days single road