We have a son, there is a little Romanov People need tradition, need direction, they need us A stranger said, Mathruiska, why are you afraid of someone with my power here before you in your home? The czaravich can never bleed if he is to survive Take me in your confidence and I'll keep your son alive One and one is true He'll swear he never wanted to He looked twice and said I can identify this man And the czarina shook her head Alexandra, you see he's just a charlaton? Is he curing every woman with those hands he's laying on? The people moan, they say your like a concubine And he plays you like a balalaika in the summertime He appoints the cabinet as the soldiers kiss your feet We'll poison him, then shoot him And we'll drown him in the Neva water One and one is true I swear I never wanted to He looked twice and said I can Identify this man And the czarina shook her head I said one and one is true The Bolshevik is rising too He looked twice and said I can identify this man And the czarina shook her head