Richard Thompson

The way that it shows

Richard Thompson

You're going to give yourself away, one of these nights 
Your gaze of compassion, just a little too right 
Your hug of encouragement's a little too tight 
And then he'll know. It's the little things betray 

Going to give yourself away, to some Casanova 
On the spills and stains of the backstage sofa 
He'll catch you yawning with one leg over 
And there's the sin. Must be the enemy within 

And that's the way that it shows 
That's the way that it shows 
That's the way that it shows 
The way that it shows 
That's the way that it shows 
That's the way that it shows 
A slip of the tongue, a squeeze of the hand 
The way that it shows 

There's glycerine in the tear, rouge in the blush 
You're artful stammer a little too rushed 
All passion to the eye, all cold to the touch 
And then he'll guess. Your mind has drifted in the kiss 

There's a chink in your armour, a crack in your defenses 
Your iron will gives way to your senses 
Your whispered sweet nothings all sound like expenses 
And that's enough. He won't believe your words of love 

And that's the way that it shows 
That's the way that it shows 
Yes that's the way that it shows 
The way that it shows 
That's the way that it shows 
That's the, that's the way that it shows 
A slip of the tongue, a squeeze of the hand 
That's the way that it shows