Richard Smallwood

Hold On, Don't Let Go

Richard Smallwood

Heartaches may come
Teardrops may fall
Seems like no one's there for you

Friends are all gone
You feel alone
Be strong
God has a plan for you

Hold on, hold on to him
Let him lead you
Your valley is temporary

This too, this too shall pass
Find peace at last
In him we have the victory

Hold on, don't let go
Eventhough your heart hurts you so
He'll never let go of your hand

Just be steadfast
Just be faithful
God is only teaching you

Eyes have not seen
Neither have ears heard
Just what he has prepared for you

Hold on, don't let go
Eventhough your heart hurts you so
He'll never let go of your hand

Your trials come to make you strong
Seasons will change
It won't be long