Be open to the Spirit 
Be open to the Word 
Be open to His power, let it move all through your life 
God is moving by His Spirit 
Be open and receive it 
Be open to His Spirit and you shall blessed 

The Holy Ghost is here when saints in prayer agree 
While the Spirit is moving, ask of God whatever you need 
Open up your mind, your heart and your soul to Him and He will give you love divine 
The Holy Spirit falls down 

(And when the Spirit moves, it makes me feel alright) Yea! 
(Said your awesome power moves in my life) Hallelujah! 
(When the Spirit is present, my soul starts shaking) Yea! 
(Hallelujah) Yea! Yea! 

Move on, move on (in me) 
Can't you feel it, the Spirit moving 
Don't you feel it, His power moving 
Can you feel His Spirit moving all over you 

Thank you Jesus, for your Spirit 
Thank you Lord, for this feeling 
Oh-oh-oh I can feel it, your Spirit moving all 
Over me 
Oh-oh-oh I can feel it, your Spirit moving all 
Over me