Richard Smallwood

We've Come Too Far

Richard Smallwood

So you say you're a little bit tired, 
And you don't feel like going on
'Cause you been through the fire, 
Satan's attack is just to strong
With every door that God has opened, 
Seems another one closes in your face
But every trail, test and problem, 
God has promised to erase

We've come too far, 
We can't turn back now
With the Lord on our side, 
And the Holy Ghost as our guide
Keep holding, keep believing, 
Keep praying and don't stop now

There is nothing He can't handle, 
He's a God that never, never fails
He's all powerful and all knowing, 
To Him every problem you can tell
So whenever you feel like giving up, 
Just remember these words to you
He will stand by every promise,
And do everything he said He would do
With the Lord on our side, 
And the Holy Ghost as our guide
Keep holding keep believing, 
Keep praying and don't stop now

Holding, praying, trusting, waiting

We've come too far, we can't turn back now