Beyond a shadow of doubt Ain't some place I've been But I've sure been down and out My good luck running thin Don't know which way I'm goin But I know when I get there I'm gonna give it away Gonna give it away Now you say some got to struggle And honey that's so sad I don't want to burst your bubble But I think we all have There ain't one of us here Who'll ever be free Unless we give it away Got to give it away Let the light from the sun up above Shine into your heart Let the rain that washes the tears away Come and wash your tears away Now heaven knows all the trouble We've got ourselves into Always got to show some muscle Instead of sweet virtue If we could just see each other As one in the same I know we'd give it away Got to give it away Let the light from the sun up above Shine into your heart Let the rain that washes the tears away Come and wash your tears away