She's fast asleep at Woden's feet Whilst alms I seek from thronging fairfolk As a whelp fast to the teat She smote me then We've ever since been shadows Two beasts of one old soul If you rely on the kindness of strangers It helps to have a hound for a handmaid Not only for the superior nose Or companionship Often people stop to talk with me Having never seen before such a very beautiful snow-coloured collie Working the fell, a most powerful eye Part of the grass, fast as a lightning Before the children were grown They'd ride her like a pony Through the nodding banners yesterday She went in chase of a ship's rat At my wit's end I finally located her Under a whining bush, my poor old lady, seized by a fit When the raiders came in their flaming carriages She went running to her family While I listened on, cowering behind a pile of logs There's no denying it I sold my shoes so I could buy a chicken A penance and a treat on her final day Now she is gone I carry her down to the sea And scream to the sinking stars Can you ever forgive me?