Standing on the corner, with the sunlight in my eyes, The streets are full of brown skinned girls, And yellow beach front signs, The radio plays the horses, the announcer calls 'em out, He's got bets each way on a losing streak And the boys are leaving town. WE'RE DOING FINE IN THE LUCKY COUNTRY DOING ALRIGHT 'CAUSE WE'RE MAKING MONEY DOWN IN THE LUCKY COUNTRY Mona sits on the doorstep, her dress between her knees, It's a lousy life if a girl can only live for the roaring twenties, "Those were the days", I heard her say, "When the trams ran down to the sea - You could go to the dance every Saturday night And never have to leave." WE'RE DOING FINE IN THE LUCKY COUNTRY DOING ALRIGHT 'CAUSE WE'RE MAKING MONEY DOWN IN THE LUCKY COUNTRY People building up impossible walls, And they call it home sweet home, They buy up false security and force it on their sons, Life goes by - oh my!