Crazy people laugh a lot, whether they are sad or not, People change, and find new ways, to play their masquerade, I knew I'd never be a king, but don't you take away my dreams, It's only life but we'll get by, if only we believe; CHORUS: I can feel you here inside of me, Feel you moving just like poetry, Came in from the dark end of the street, When I was so tired of chasing the light, And losing my mind. Harlequin is hiding out, he's getting tired of fooling round, Got so confused, he blew a fuse, and almost lost his mind. I read the sign upon your door, it was you that I'd come looking for, Now all these trials - we've been trying to hide Will disappear in time. I can feel you here inside of me, Feel you moving just like poetry, Came in from the dark end of the street, When I was so tired of chasing the light, And losing my mind.