Clockwise uhum uhum Do you just dirty trick But do I'll stay undefeated to you Could be mouse and cat game But I'm advantage in that Her body against the wall with one glass in hands Not is need stop don't stop breathe I'm with advantage "look are big" Then didn't complain bloody in the ground Big booty shake for me Let go and roll scales of that way Girl this is meaning anticlockwise We won't stop This is meaning anticlockwise keep in This is meaning anticlockwise Feel me inside you This is meaning anticlockwise Gon' ya show how do You could hold with her chest on in my face Wiping wiping all are liked let me in Felt me inside you today and forever Do you can me fell releasing myself I'm going away wanna touch your cunt for the last time I'm feeling the erosion high taller Make me one sex dance I let you do polidance for me Seat tasty may not stop Felt me inside you le me end Drink mu hot natural milk Yeah yeah groan louder I will enjoy yourself now... This is meaning anticlockwise Drawing the clothes from the room by to the bathroom This is meaning anticlockwise Draw all down and felt me yeah