
Turning Back Around


Tom: D

F#m     442000
A       x0000x
D       002010
Bm7     x22010

A*      77500x
G*      55300x
D*      055050


          A       x4     D       x4
E|---------------| |--------------||-------------------------|
B|---------------| |--------------||-------------------------|
G|---------------| |--------------||-------------------------|
D|---------------| |--------2-2---||-------------------------|
A|---------7-7---| |--------------||-------------------------|
E|----7--7-----7-| |---0--0-----0-||-------------------------|

[Verse 1]

There's water on the ground
down by the milestone
I don't know how shallow it is
Can you tell, can you tell
Just by looking at it?

          A       x4     D       x4      F#m     x3           (E)        D       x4
E|---------------| |--------------||--------------||--------------||--------------||-----------------|
B|---------------| |--------------||--------------||--------------||--------------||-----------------|
G|---------------| |--------------||--------------||--------------||--------------||-----------------|
D|---------------| |--------2-2---||--------2-2---||--------2-2---||--------2-2---||-----------------|
A|---------7-7---| |--------------||--------------||--------------||--------------||-----------------|
E|----7--7-----7-| |---0--0-----0-||---4--4-----4-||---4--4-----2-||---0--0-----0-||-----------------|

[Verse 2]

Well I need to get across
But my hands are tied by my side
Can you swim, can you swim
Just by kicking out?

          A            x4        C#m7            x4        F#m           x3         (E)   
E|---------------------| |-----------------------||-----------------------||-----------------------||
B|---------------------| |-----------------------||-----------------------||-----------------------||
G|---------------------| |------------2---2------||-----------(0)-(0)-----||-----------(0)-(0)-----||
D|---------(0)-(0)-----| |--(4)--(4)-(4)-(4)-(4)-||------------2---2------||------------2---2------||
A|---------7----7------| |---4----4-----------4--||--(4)--(4)---------(4)-||--(4)--(4)---------(2)-||
E|----7--7-----------7-| |-----------------------||---4----4-----------4--||---4----4-----------2--||

             D         x4
E|-----------------------| |
B|-----------------------| |
G|-----------(0)-(0)-----| |
D|------------2---2------| |
A|--(0)--(0)---------(0)-| |
E|---0----0-----------0--| |


I didn't mean no harm
I didn't mean no harm

          Bm7            x4          D        x4
E|-----------------------| |----------0---0----||
B|-----------------------| |----------5---5----||
G|------------0-0--------| |----------0---0----||
D|-----------10-10-------| |---5--5--(5)-(5)-5-||
A|--(9)--(9)---------(9)-| |-- 5--5--(5)-(5)-5-||
E|---9----9-----------9--| |---0--0----------0-||


        F#m   A      D           A
Now I'm hiding from everyone I know
        D              A
I can't tell them what I know

    F#m  A    D           A
I'm lying to everyone I know
        D              A
I can't tell them what I know

    Bm7 A        D
And ooh, I'm not turning back around

[Verse 3]

(Chords like in Verse 1 but strumming like in Verse 2)

Oh my gentle mood longs
You don't know how lonely I've been
Can you tell, can you tell
Just by looking at me?


I didn't mean no harm
I didn't mean no harm


        F#m   A      D           A
Now I'm hiding from everyone I know
        D              A
I can't tell them what I know

    F#m  A    D           A
I'm lying to everyone I know
        D              A
I can't tell them what I know

    Bm7 A        D
And ooh, I'm not turning back around (x4)


I heard you, I heard it all
I heard you, I heard it all
I heard you, I heard it all
I heard you, I heard it all
I heard you, I heard it all
I heard you, I heard it all
I heard you, I heard it all
I heard you, I heard it all


    Bm7 A        D
And ooh, I'm not turning back around
    Bm7 A        D
And ooh, I'm not turning back around