I'm a bad motherfuckin' man if you take what's mine If you mess with my woman and child, it's your suicide These streets ain't paved in gold These streets are covered in blood I don't care what you think you know Your time has come, you're done Don't tell to calm down What's gonna happen is gonna happen right now Street to street, this crazy life is the life for me Street to street, to stay alive stay away from me I've been fighting it all my life for just a little piece You better keep your hands to yourself You better make believe That I'm your only friend, I hold your life in my hands Keep talking and you'll end up dead It's the law of the land Don't tell to calm down What's gonna happen is gonna happen right now Street to street, this crazy life is the life for me Street to street, to stay alive stay away from me I'll never back down from a fight I'll send you home in body bag tonight I'm a bad motherfuckin' man if you take what's mine If you mess with my woman and child, it's your suicide These streets ain't paved in gold These streets are covered in blood I don't care what you think you know Your time has come, you're done Street to street, this crazy life is the life for me Street to street, to stay alive stay away from me Street to street, this crazy life is the life for me Street to street, to stay alive stay away from me Street to street!