Silence around me Every day, all day long Sitten for breakfast Alone, total silence Lunch and dinner, it’s gonna be the same Going out to work Surrounded by strangers in bus Silence… Silence goes on around me I feel like a undead Weighing on the world No-one talks to me Empty life – i pass unseen Thank you for saying hello! But please, be quiet! I am a undead Silence… In used to hear the silence If i talk You won’t like me Silence sounds loud in my head, in my mind and my soul A huge phantom Surrounding all around Tormenting, driven me crazy Quiet, i think too much I get anguished Watching everything and everyone... I go back home Sit in my living room No-one to talk to Four walls around me Seem to smash me My eyes are wide open Insane, i shrink and think and nothing I keep in silence Tomorrow’s another day It’s going to be the same Specially the silence