
Hate! Is What I Feel


Hate is what i feel

Hate is what i feel
I don't know of what
I don't know why
I just feel it.
It presses my chest
Disturbs my mind,
Agony me.

Inexplicable, overpowering hate.
Hate for not knowing,
Hate for being confused,
I look all around and i see
The falsehood, the envy, the hypocrisy.
And the hate again.
Hate is what i feel
I don't know of what
I don't know why
I just feel it.
Hate for not being heard;
Hate cause i can't express myself;
Hate for whishing without have;
Hate for not seeing an escape for my hate;
Hate for my stupidity;
Hate for writing all this with hate;
Hate for the hate of the other ones;
Hate for the love becoming hate; (repete)
Hate is what i feel
I don't know of what
I don't know why
I just feel it.

I wanna live in a normal way
Without blame, without remorse, without hate
I wanna walk on the streets without fear
I wanna to live among the people without distrusting
To be just, without hurting
I want to be appraised
For what i am, what i do, think and feel
Living without hate is just what i want from this planet full of hate!