Jesus was once a teenager too. He knelt on the lawn and he wept woebegone, while all his ex-friends raced like demons into the face of the Albion Mall. Jesus was once a teenager too. He leapt cross the rooftops and he wondered aloud why all of the neighbourhood night police stood around the face of the Albion Mall. -chorus- All I'm feeling is sorrow inside. Superman feelings I can't help but hide. I feel I've been caught in an animal trap. Crucify them, not I. His teachers all claimed he'd been smitten with shame from his father's cheap daredevil Circus of Fear. He'll need but a miracle these days to steer from the face of the Albion Mall. -chorus- Jesus was once a teenager too. Though he could walk on the water he could not face the laughter. 'Cause the tools of his trade were the size of his feet.