Tom: C * Cool band, Cool song, Cool Tabber. E[--0-0-0-3-3-3-0-0-0-3-3-3-| A[--------------------------|(part1) D[--------------------------| G[--------------------------| B[--------------------------| E[--------------------------| Then E[--------|(part2) A[--1---2-| D[--3---4-| G[--3---4-| B[--------| E[--------| (Repeat this 4 times. Then it goes into....) E[------8---7---3-| A[--7---10--9---5-| D[--9---10--9---5-| G[--9---9---8---4-| B[--8---8---7---3-| E[--7-------------|(part3) (Repeat 3 times. Play the chord, but pick through the first 4 notes.) (After the thrid time throught the progression play..) E[---555555---888888---77---------77-| A[---777777---101010---99---------99-| D[---777777---101010---99--(pause)99-| G[---666666---999999---88---------88-| B[-----------------------------------| E[-----------------------------------|(part 4) (The basically repeat part 1 & 2 with trem picking, but put this in between them) Low E[---000000-333333-5555 (part5) (The Chorus is part 3 with trem picking.) (the the break in the middle is...) E[---3---8---7-| A[---5---10--9-| D[---5---10--7-| G[-------9---8-| B[-------------| E[-------------|(part6) (Repeat 3 times.) (Then back into parts 1, 5, 2) Then end on a C-shped chord, play it anywhere. Just pick through it and make a scary laugh. The end!)