Seductress, whore Invitation to your filth Unprotected, exposed Infirmity will spread Prostitution void of boundaries A plague of adulteries Spreading throughout the earth Tentacles stretching writhing Seizing the emaciated Offering gorged mammaries For counterfeit nourishment A poisonous lactation Monopolise On the lust Of the populous Screw them and widen your purse The blood of those You’ve seduced The blood of those You’ve abused is on your hands No guilt Blinded Avarice Hunger A penchant Proclivity Malevolent Anomaly Seductress, whore Destruction is your sentence Divine intervention Has cleaved your bloated abdomen Witness of disembowelment Exposing your viscera Revealing what you truly are Decrepit waste Prostrate abomination Witnessing your decomposition Seeing internal putrefaction Disintegration so foul Had already begun Enticement to Carnivorous impoverishment