Compelled toward the furnace Nerves seizing with consternation Inhaling flames burning inside Jaws clamped with torturous pain Violent convulsion Abhorrent sufferance Excruciating affliction Congenial aftermath Teeth grinding disintegration Await the blessed agony Torso drenched in diaphoresis Bodily fluids pool at your feet Inexorable anatomical baptism Within, calefaction intensifies Body broiling, corpulence dripping Malodour of burning flesh Utterly, consuming Overpowered, conflagrant Skin crackling, decorticating Melting mass, nothing left Archetypal cauterization Flames lick at raw flesh Bubbling frothing plasma Meat charred through to the bone Stench of burning Glorious aromatic perfume Becoming one with the flame Cauterized by all consuming - the all consuming fire