Can't ever get enough of the sun- number 1 thing I miss about it Tho I doubt it's anything that would have begun Without it being taken from me. Let it come To me in a metaphor, in a coincidence. Through the door- Got me listening to more than just words. Lessons being heard & The karma that you dont believe in- you gon feel it creep in & It's gonna be alarming. All defenses will be worthless, you aint charming Charred thee chips & the cards be discarded. It's sunday, now I'm seeing saturday's lost,retardeddddd Something stays inside of me even when I say I let it out Swallow it back down my mouth Theres nothing gold thats satisfying me I got the potential essentials, come curious & gentle (Now) I hardly can recognize this bitch I'm looking at Every month she changes what is carried in her plastic sacks In fact, she rotates pupil width & body weight Captivate, crush (california state)! Embrace the waste that we create & hate The days that created the ways that we couldn't ever escape I'd rather relate to killers than lames. Not stuck in this game But anticipate the moment that waits to happen like rays Of sunlight hidden in seattle haze Is there only one shining? Cuz I cannot pass this phase The age, the page, something about it dont lay correctly in my novel Vocabulary? Bitch drink it out the fucken bottle! Full throttle when I model my skilos & my mottos You think your raps & mine, are like tomato & tomatohh? No. Bitch, that shit has gotta go You & rapping is like flowers in the snow tryna grow It's never gonna happen, more impossible than gnomes- Living in my basement. & I think that you should know Something stays inside of me even when I say I let it out Swallow it back down my mouth Theres nothing gold thats satisfying me I got the potential essentials, come curious & gentle Paralyzing pages, taking notes as I go Rewind? Fuck the thought of going back in time I'm testifying to the people of the island & They sentenced me to cloud 9. Doubt it if I found time To be me, to be anything that I always wanted to be: Beautiful, drama-free! Wanna be careless. Wanna walk with a whip & Lash out at the losers, revery abusers Pickers & the choosers, everyone who chewed her Fucken head off. Struck em, head nods Now they say I'm violent I'm a lover not a fighter, but I love to fight, aint no denying it! Trying it, just out of curiosity. We black cats, got black veins & anamosity I'm a prodigy, bitch, I'm a prophet, I'm a legend I'm everything you ever wanted to be, & who said it Now regret it. & bet it, has everything to do with dianetics Accidents, & trafficking, now time to set it.. Time to set it off.. It's about that time to set it off...