
Hand of Doom


Hand of Doom 

What you gonna do 
Time's caught up with you 
Now you wait your turn 
You know there's no return 

Change your empty rules 
You join the other fools 
Turn to something new 
Now it's killing you 

First it was the bomb, Vietnam napalm 
Disillusioning, you push the needle in 
From life you escape, reality's black drape 
Colours in your mind satisfy your time 

Oh you, you know you must be blind 
To do something like this 
To take the sweet that you don't know 
You're giving Death a kiss 
Poor little fool now 

Your mind is full of pleasure 
Your body's looking ill 
To you it's shallow leisure 
So drop the acid pill 
Don't stop to think now 

You're having a good time baby 
But that won't last 
Your mind's all full of things 
You're living too fast 
Go out and enjoy yourself 
Don't bottle it in 
You need someone to help you 
Stick the needle in, yeah 

Now you know the scene 
Your skin starts turning green 
Your eyes no longer seeing 
Life's reality 
Push the needle in 
Face death's sickly grin 
Holes are in your skin 
Caused by deadly pin 

Head starts spinning 'round 
You fall down to the ground 
Feel your body heave 
Death's hand starts to weave 

It's too late to turn 
You don't want to learn 
Price of life is high 
Now you're gonna die.