Black dawn, the temples tumbling down Necrotic revelation of darkness Death rules the night Beginning of the final fight A blood sworn oath, carved in the flesh Bound to death they ride Summon the chaos, my gouls of the night A triumph of glory and might Make death proud to take us Oh, cloaked in eternal night Make death proud to take us Oh, the deathkult revenge ride Unchain the wolves The deathkult legions march again Covenant of death The beginning of the end is near Pillars tremble an thrones turn to rust The manifested darkness arrive Hordes of chaos, my demons of the night A triumph of glory and might Glory and might Glory and might Death kult legions Reclaim the throne of night Death kult legions A graveless revenge ride Make death proud to take us Oh, cloaked in eternal night Death kult legions, on pestilent wings they ride Torturize the flesh, bringing death to all Death kult legions, the servants from the grave Infested bloody rage, bringing death to all again Death rules the night Beginning of the final fight Make death proud to take us Oh, the deathkult revenge ride The deathkult revenge ride The deathkult revenge ride