I have a friend, 
who'll go with me to the end,
He'll stick right by my side,
through the storms of life.

He won't let you down,
you don't ever have to worry,
just keep trusting and believing,
things will work out all right.

Since Jesus is my friend,
whom I appreciate,
all that He's done for me
and through His blood, He saved me.
I just can't thank Him enough,
for His mercy and His grace toward me;
I want to say, "oh Lord, thank You".

Thank You for Your goodness.
Thank You for Your kindness.
Thank You for Your many blessings, thank You.

I really want to thank You.
I, I, I, I just want to thank You.
I, I, I, I just want to...

Thank You, Jesus.
Thank You, Jesus.

I, I, I, I just want to thank You.