Rev. Milton Brunson

I Tried Him And I Know Him

Rev. Milton Brunson

So heavy laden and burdened down 
I did not know just what to do 
so I went and I prayed for strength to endure
Jesus said He still, I will see you through

So I tried Him and I know Him
He'll stick closer than any brother
Oh, I tried Him and I know Him
He's been better to me than I've been to myself
There could never be a friend as dear to me as Jesus

So when you go through your trials and cares
Please don't look, don't look to men for they'll let you down
Just remember there is just one
who will go with till the end
His name is Jesus, my Jesus
He'll tell you what, why and whenI tried Him, I know him He has never failed me yet I tried Him, I know Him He will be your constant friend There could never be a friend as dear to me as Jesus There could never be a friend as dear to me as You I tried Him, I know Him There could never be a friend as dear to me as Jesus