
Gods Among Men


Sail forth to far off uncharted horizons adventure beckons with the song of sirens
Air sea and land open for acquisition conquer then claim them

Their sacrifice will always be in vain though more will rise to claim a place in fame
They’ll pay the price and stand nothing to gain to live or die by tragedy
To be gods among men

Be gods among men ­ heroes of legend
Live and die by tragedy to be gods among men

Against all odds and intense opposition no beast or villain can withstand our champion
Faced with Hell's final temptation choose death or damnation

Cross the mist that parts Abyss from Eden o’er an ocean of undead legions
Only with the aid of lost companions can escape be made by transformation

Their sacrifice will always be in vain though more will rise to claim a place in fame
They’ll pay the price and stand nothing to gain to live or die by tragedy
To be gods among men