I know the right things to say At just the right time I know the right people to be with And my phrases always rhyme Always rhyme I rarely make a mistake About the places I go From the clothes I wear To the curl in my hair, I'm all show Show Oh, I'm an actor, I polished all my lines I know how to take your every nickel and dime Impressions are lasting and so is my smile You could be my leading lady for awhile I've mastered all the right angles and the left ones too Oh, I'm a box office smash and the cash is my golden rule Sometimes I lose sight of what's real and what's only a lie But it's okay, I'll just and straighten my tie Ooh, you'll know them by their love and by their fruit Not by pearly teeth, Mercedes, or fine suits Not by where they go or what they can afford Not by Jesus as their saviour, but as their lord