Summertime daze through blister street haze Wing-tipping, fleet-footing, side-stepping Ya gimme all your bad talk, boot-pumping Brass button shucking and guffin' Street corner preach to gum pop jive turkey Trotting past that Main Street peep show Banana-boat Buick blaring stereo can't drown out where he is saying Jeremiah, just keep wailing to every junkyard hound As long as he's got feet, he'll be hotfootin' around Sidewalk stomping, quit your cussing This is a bee-bopping, kazoo honking Salvation Army one man band, hammering guitar in his hand Look at that dude with the silver boom box and the bad Red baseball cap; he wears it just so He'll take your Seiko and sell it back to you, just like that Jeremiah, just keep wailing to every junkyard hound As long as he's got feet, he'll be hotfootin' around Jeremiah, just keep wailing to every junkyard hound As long as he's got feet, he'll be hotfootin' around Brothers and sisters," he tells then This broad way ain't the way to Heaven You're so busy dying, you forget you can be born again, Hey, street preacher, let us be, he don't pay 'em no mind In front of the bail and bond, down any heel-romping mean street Dude, you can't keep hustling God, no can do That smells about as sweet as rose tattoo Jeremiah, just keep wailing to every junkyard hound As long as he's got feet, he'll be hotfootin' around Jeremiah, just keep wailing to every junkyard hound As long as he's got feet, he'll be hotfootin' around