I am a house without window I'm a room without a door I'm a fortress broke into I'm a city with no walls I'm a ship without an anchor I'm a fire without a flame I'm a universel person I'm a face without a name Why don't you talk to me Why don't you talk to me Why don't you talk to me Why don't you talk to me I'm a dance witouht a rhythm I'm a poet without a rhyme I'm a comedy gone sour I'm a memory lost in time A book without a binding Salt you cannot taste I'm a universel person My identity erased Why don't you talk to me Why don't you talk, talk to me Why don't you talk to me I'm an emotion without action My heart held tight by fear My heart is split in half I have ears that will not hear One thing I know is true This, I know as a fact The closer that I get to You Your voice will start coming back I wanna to talk to You I need to talk to You (repeat)